What is cold brew you might ask?
Well first of all, I will tell you what it's not.
It's not iced coffee, but you can have it iced.
Well let me clear it up.
Cold brew is exactly as the name implies: it's brewed cold.
Regular drip coffee and even French Press are brewed with hot water.
The heat, as the experts have found out, draw out acids and oils that give the coffee a more bitter and acidic taste.
When coffee is brewed cold, the grounds are sitting in cold water, and the coffee goodness is extracted without the heat. The results are a smoother, more full bodied cup of coffee that tastes as coffee should taste.
Without further ado, I give you:
How to make Cold Brew Coffee.
Because I'm lazy at this moment, I'm taking tips from various sites on the internet.
Make sure your beans are coarsely ground: Beans that are ground to a sandy powder, like for drip coffee, can result in an over-infused coffee and make the strained coffee gritty and muddy. Your beans should look like coarse cornmeal, or even slightly rougher.
Use filtered water, if possible: This is just good coffee advice in general, really. Your cup of coffee will have a cleaner, sweeter flavor if you use filtered water to make it.
Steep for at least 12 hours: It’s fine to cut this time a little short, but don’t get too stingy. The coffee needs this full time to fully infuse the water. Straining too early can give you a weaker cup of coffee. Also be careful of over-steeping, which can start to extract some of those bitter flavors we’re hoping to avoid. I’d say not to steep for more than 15 hours or so.
Chill your cold brew with coffee ice cubes: Want a totally undiluted coffee experience? Make coffee ice cubes to chill your iced coffee!